XXI Congreso FEJAR
Last Friday, September 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26, the XXI FEJAR Congress was held at the Beatriz Hotel in Toledo.
This Congress also commemorates the 30th anniversary of the founding of FEJAR. A lifetime of work and effort for the defense of the rights of affected people, from the federation and from its own integrated associations, covering practically the entire national territory.
This year, FEJAR has paid tribute to the FAMILY, for its essential role during all these years, being a very important pillar for people affected by gambling disorder who decide to start a rehabilitation treatment to get out of this dependence.
This year’s congress was expected to be closer, more emotional for and by family members and very focused on the people and families who intervene and influence in achieving the greatest success in rehabilitation.
It was supported by the Honor Committee, with the Chairmanship of H.M. The Queen, Mrs. Leticia OrtizAlberto Garzón, the Minister of Consumer Affairs, the Secretary of State for Health, and the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Mr. Alberto Garzón, the Secretary of State for Health, Mrs. Silvia Calzón, thePresident of Castilla La Mancha, Mr. Emiliano García-Page, the Mayoress of Toledo, Mrs. Milagros Tolónand thePresident of FEJAR, Mr. Máximo Enrique Gutiérrez.
The inauguration took place on September 24 and was attended by:
- D. Pablo García Martín, Deputy Spokesman of the Municipal Government and Councilman in charge of Youth and Sports. Toledo City Council.
- Mrs. Susana Pastor Pons, General Director of Taxes and Gaming of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha.
- Mr. Joan R. Villalbí,Government Delegate for the National Plan on Drugs.
- Mr. Máximo Enrique Gutiérrez Muélledes, President of the Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Gamblers (FEJAR).
- Inaugurating: Mr. Mikel Arana, General Director of Gaming Regulation. Ministry of Consumer Affairs.
The video of the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, which he made exclusively for this Congress, due to the impossibility of attending personally, and of the President of Castilla la Mancha, Mr. Emiliano García Page, was broadcasted.
Other personalities attending the inauguration:
- Mrs. Pilar Morcillo Sánchez, General Secretary of Drug Addictions of the Regional Government of Extremadura.
- Aitor Uriarte Unzalu, Basque Gaming and Entertainment Regulator.
- Mrs. Ana Belén Abellán García, Councilor delegate of Social Services, Equality, Elderly, People with Disabilities and Family.
- Carlos Javier Hernández Yebra, Territorial Delegate of the ONCE of Castilla La Mancha.
- Chief of Psychiatry, Hospital XII de Octubre.
Afterwards, the Inaugural Conference was given by Antonio Ríos, who made a masterly exposition of the importance of the family in every person, especially in those with gambling disorders.
On Friday night, the Extraordinary General Assembly of FEJAR was held, with the points to be discussed previously established and reaching various agreements between directors of associations and the federation.
On Saturday, September 25, some very emotional and close tables took place, with the participation of affected people and family members, in which they shared experiences, sensations and situations lived from a family perspective in associations and federations, beyond personal experiences. They were coordinated by the entire technical team: Juan Lamas, Virtu Micó, Lucía Fernández, Rosana Santolaria and Alicia Pareja.
The free afternoon included a pleasant, entertaining guided and dramatized tour of Toledo.
After the gala dinner and prior to the delivery of souvenirs to the attending entities, the agreement of the Extraordinary General Assembly of FEJAR was communicated, regarding the appointment of Honorary Member, to Dra. Ana Estévez Gutiérrez. Handing him the document detailing such distinction.
Sunday 26th began with the testimonial participation of congressmen present there, and with the presentation of the well-known humorist: Moncho Borrajo, who put the final touch to the Congress in a humorous way.
Throughout the Congress, several videos of people and messages of congratulations to FEJAR for its 30 years of operation, and of gratitude from affected people present to their families, have been broadcasted.